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Heart Health

Angela Basset Heart Health 2020 Header
Angela Basset Heart Health 2020 Header

Every hour, about 12 Canadian adults aged 20 and over with heart disease die. Heart Health aims to make every beat more enjoyable for Canadians with, or at risk for, heart disease.

What’s Your Heart Got to Do With It?

After Angela Bassett’s mother passed from heart failure as a complication from her type 2 diabetes, she teamed up with Know Diabetes by Heart.

Innovative Therapies Offer Options for Heart Failure Patients

Read about the innovative heart failure therapies that are improving survival rates and quality of life, especially for patients in more advanced stages.

Can Early Warning Symptoms Predict a Heart Attack?

Most heart attack survivors report something was “very wrong” before their cardiac event. Learn how to identify early warning signs before it’s too late.

Treatment Advances Can Help People with Type 2 Diabetes Avoid Complications From Heart Disease

Type 2 diabetes can impact your heart health. Read one woman’s story of diabetes-related heart failure to learn how you can protect yourself.

Cardiac Health Foundation of Canada Releases New Video: “Cardiac Stories of Survival”

The Cardiac Health Foundation of Canada’s latest video, “Cardiac Stories of Survival,” features the journeys of life-threatening cardiac event survivors.

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