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COVID-19 has changed the ways that patients are able to access their healthcare. Best of all? These solutions can be free.

With the high consumption of technology in the last few years, there has been a surge in the need for new modernizations. This has caused a massive evolution of telehealth – a trend that would have been introduced with time, but was instead imposed virtually (no pun intended) overnight due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Whether by will or necessity, doctors have had to adapt to these new circumstances – but it’s clear that providers can enjoy the advantages of Virtual Care just as much as their patients do.

Online Care Expands Service Capacity

With many clinics closed for in-person visits to avoid exposing patients to unnecessary risk during the pandemic, it was necessary to find a new way to expand business without neglecting personalized care.

Telehealth is low cost, since doctors only need Internet access to conduct appointments, as well as highly productive, since it is possible to schedule more appointments. Moreover, this new possibility helps relieve the healthcare system and lower the downtime that doctors usually have in clinics.

“With virtual care, it is possible to request a prescription refill from the doctor from the comfort of your home”, writes Dr Steven Matlis who, since the start of the pandemic, has been using the EMERGE platform for virtual appointments.

Telehealth helps relieve the healthcare system and lower the downtime that doctors usually have in clinics.

Safety as a Top Priority

There are multiple platforms available on the market for telehealth. However, when it comes to deciding which service to use, doing research is suggested.

“The safety of my patients and accessibility to care were important factors when choosing a platform”, contributes Dr Matlis. “Nothing replaces old fashioned in-person care and assessment. However, virtual care platforms are a great tool in doctor’s arsenal. It can be useful if patient is home bound, unable to visit doctor (e.g. lack of transportation) or has an inquiry where physical assessment is not required (e.g. question regarding therapy or test etc).”

EMERGE is a secure Virtual Care platform that prioritizes the privacy of the information shared by patients and doctors through an end-to-end encrypted system and it is a Verified Virtual Care Solution in Ontario.

EMERGE was designed with medical professionals and patients in mind. It is easy to use, PIHIPA compliant and works with any EMR system. 

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