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Kidney and Liver Health

Top Liver-Healthy Tips That Every Canadian Should Know

young asian girl and old man laughing in park
young asian girl and old man laughing in park

March is Liver Health Month, encouraging Canadians to learn more about the many types of liver disease — over 100 — that may affect one in four Canadians (8.6 million Canadians).

Liver Health Month is a time to learn more about your liver and liver disease prevention. To help jumpstart your liver health, we’re sharing liver-healthy tips to remember.

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Be mindful of your alcohol consumption and don’t mix alcohol and medication.

If you choose to drink, limit your intake to one to two drinks.

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Get your steps in!

Exercise has many well-known benefits for those living with liver disease, including reducing the fat in your liver, decreasing liver inflammation, and boosting your overall mood.

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Eat a well-balanced diet to prevent liver disease and aid in the treatment of liver disease.

Start by incorporating more fruits and vegetables, increasing your water intake, and moderating refined sugars.

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Steer clear of toxins.

Pesticides and other toxins can injure liver cells. Read the warning labels on the chemicals that you use and wear a mask and ventilate your space when using them.

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Prevent hepatitis A, B, and C in three simple steps.

Get vaccinated for hepatitis A and B, practise safe sex, and wash your hands often.

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Be your own advocate.

Basic liver tests aren’t a part of annual health care check-ups. Know the signs and symptoms of liver disease to engage in liver-healthy discussions with your doctor.

Throughout the month of March, the Canadian Liver Foundation is inviting Canadians to “Just Ask.” Submit your liver disease questions, no matter how big or small, and its panel of experts, community members, and staff will answer submitted questions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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