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Saving Your Skin With Hyram Yarbro

Hyram Yarbro
Hyram Yarbro

Mediaplanet sat down with Hyram Yarbro to discuss skincare tips and tricks to look good and feel better.


What’s your go-to skincare product you can’t leave the house without?

It’s all about balance. I do live in Hawaii, and the sun is strong here. I always want to make sure I have sunscreen protecting my skin. I’d have to say the Bliss Block Star SPF 30, that’s been one of my go-to sunscreens for six months now. As someone who’s constantly switching between products cause I’m always trying new ones, it’s very impressive to me when I use one specific product daily on a consistent basis for that long.

For a product that I must use on a day-to-day basis, I would say Selfless by Hyram salicylic acid. I tend to get oily, and it’s hard to find products that are lightweight enough that can handle my oily skin or the humidity here. The salicylic acid really helps to keep my oily skin at bay and fight against breakouts that come along with wearing masks on a day-to-day basis.

I recommend starting off simple. It can be tempting to want to totally switch up your routine… focus on finding a rich moisturizer that can properly nourish your skin throughout the day.


Why is skincare a priority for you?

I grew up on a cattle ranch in Arizona, so I was in an environment where skincare was not prevalent, it was not even brought up in discussion. Partly because we lived a simple life on the ranch, but also because it was discouraged for men to go into beauty. When I was getting into college, I noticed there was a lot of deep-set damage in my face, to the point that my friends were telling me I was aging rapidly, and I should start using skincare. That’s where I was able to see the transformative results of skincare. That moment showed me the importance of consistently taking care of my skin, and that it needs to be a day-to-day practice — like brushing your teeth or taking care of your health.

Another level is being able to help people improve their skin. More than anything, that is what has pushed me to keep wanting to dive deeper into the skincare world, and it’s where my passion for skincare has arisen. I think had it been transformative results alone, I still would be having a skincare routine, but I wouldn’t have been as passionate about it as I am now. I love being able to help people improve their skin and how they feel about themselves through recommendations and skincare advice.


What is your advice for transitioning from summer skincare to winter skincare?

I recommend starting off simple, it can be tempting to want to totally switch up your routine, but because your skin is already having to deal with the changing temperatures, which is already harsh on the moisture barriers, you want to make sure that your products aren’t a reason that you could be seeing more sensitivity or irritation. It’s very common for people to get breakouts or sensitivity when they’re transitioning between routines. Focus on finding a rich moisturizer that is able to properly nourish your skin throughout the day.

A step that people generally overlook is switching out their cleanser. We often don’t realize that cleansing can be one of the most damaging steps of the skincare routine, but this is very prevalent in winter weather. Some cleansers can suck a lot of the hydration and moisture out of your skin and make your skin potentially even drier. Finding a good cleanser that can remove the dirt but doesn’t leave your skin feeling tight or dehydrated afterwards is an important aspect.

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