Home » Advocacy » Celebrating Canadian Pharmacy » Independent Pharmacies Are Vital to Our Health Care System
Sherif Guorgui

Sherif Guorgui

Co-CEO, OnPharm-United

Independent pharmacies provide much-needed accessible health care to help build healthier communities nationwide.

Pharmacies play a vital role in keeping Canadian communities healthy. This was especially highlighted during the pandemic. As doctors’ offices and clinics shuttered their doors at the onset of the pandemic, and hospitals struggled with an overload of patients, pharmacies remained open and available to ensure Ontarians continued to have access to their medications and essential pharmacy services.

The role of independent pharmacy

“Pharmacy played a major role in supporting and participating in the government’s COVID-19 testing and vaccination programs,” says Sherif Guorgui, Co-CEO at OnPharm-United, a network of more than 600 independent pharmacy owners across Ontario.

Independent pharmacies relieved tremendous pressure from the rest of the health care system during the pandemic, and continue to do so. They also provide highly-accessible health care for Ontarians and contribute to economic development.

“Now, more than ever, it’s important for the government to invest in pharmacy and expand the scope of practice for pharmacy professionals,” says Guorgui. “As the government continues to look for effective ways to maintain the sustainability of the health care system, it’s paramount to include independent pharmacies as part of the solution.”

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