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Cosmetic Dentistry is Important for Overall Confidence

Dr. Bill Dorfman and Mark Wahlberg
Dr. Bill Dorfman and Mark Wahlberg

Celebrity Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Bill Dorfman discusses his careers and cosmetic procedures.

How have you become such a well-known expert in cosmetic dentistry? 

At first it was because I had a good friend who was a publicist and she started pitching me to different news outlets. Later, I was asked to do commercials for 1-800-DENTIST and the Smiles for Life drive to raise money for children’s charities. But my big break came when ABC featured me on the hit show Extreme Makeover. It was the first time that dentistry was ever spotlighted on prime time TV and it was all positive.

What type of dental procedures are considered cosmetic? Why are they important options for people?

Any dental procedure that’s done with the intent of making your smile more attractive is considered to be cosmetic. This can be anything from tooth whitening to porcelain veneers, crowns, bonding, or implants and dentures.

How have you seen this field of dentistry change due to COVID-19? In what way?

We learned a lot about how to keep patients, assistants, and ourselves safe. This was all uncharted territory, and I’m proud of how well my profession managed COVID and safely treated patients.

What’s the importance of a smile?

Are you kidding? A smile is everything. It’s the first thing people notice about you and the last thing they remember.

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