Ashley Lohse
Founder & Consultant, Strong Beginnings
Discover how sleep trainers provide solutions beyond “Cry It Out” and promote holistic sleep strategies for thriving families.
Sleep is essential to human survival, some adults wear sleep deprivation as a badge of honor. However, you won’t find any new parent bragging about their child’s lack of sleep as being a parenting win!
In fact, sleep deprivation has a profound effect on every member of the family and is one of the leading causes of postpartum depression in new mothers, impacting as many as 1 in 7. In young children it presents hyperactivity, hard-to-settle, irritability, colic-style symptoms, difficulties feeding, and exhibiting separation anxiety.
Exasperated by the Instagram-worthy demands of parenthood, it’s no coincidence that parents are seeking sleep solutions for their family in the form of sleep trainers.
Contrary to belief and some bad press, learning how to fall asleep and stay asleep isn’t all, “Cry It Out”. Sleep training really refers to the process of teaching parents how to better understand their baby’s needs and implement strategies that allow for a child to learn the skill of falling asleep.
For some, this comes easily and doesn’t require much intervention — for others, it’s simply not the case. What is important is that when parents are at the end of their rope and need help, they have a solution. One that builds their confidence, gives them clear guidance, and resolves the problem with a holistic approach, considering their child’s development, temperament, and overall well-being.
We want families to THRIVE not survive with their current sleep situation.
Need Sleep? Book a call with one of our professional Sleep Consultants today.