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A Science-Based, Natural Solution to Enhance Sleep Quality

helight in use helping improve sleep quality
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helight in use helping improve sleep quality
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Helight Sleep offers a researched-backed, natural solution to adults and kids who have trouble falling and staying asleep.  

Good sleep is vital to health and well-being but often hard to come by. Stress, caffeine, and poor sleep habits can adversely affect sleep quality, as can exposure to certain types of light at night. “Blue light in particular tends to delay the release of melatonin, a hormone that you need to fall asleep, so people who scroll on their smart phones before bed and are exposed to this light are often chronically sleep-deprived,” says Sheryl Guloy, Co-Founder and President of Somnolence+ and a researcher who studies the relationship between mobile app use and sleep onset. 


Promoting good, restful sleep

The effect of light on sleep is a phenomenon that NASA started studying in the 1960s after observing the challenges astronauts were having falling asleep when not exposed to the Earth’s 24-hour cycle. However, as NASA researchers discovered, not all light is bad for sleep. Red light exposure at specific wavelengths — to mimic the effect of a sunset — seemed to help astronauts fall asleep.  

Over the years, other researchers have studied the relationship between light and sleep onset, and the findings have been consistent. “If you look at the research on which colour spectrum is best for sleep in terms of light, red has been shown to be most effective,” says Guloy. One recent study1 suggests that exposure to red light may suppress the negative consequences of previous exposure to blue light, while another study2 shows that exposure to red light during sleep significantly reduces sleep inertia (feeling drowsy upon waking). 

The most advanced patented sleep aid device

These research studies are the inspiration and scientific basis behind Helight Sleep from Helight, a French and Canadian manufacturer of photobiomodulation devices. Helight Sleep is a completely natural, non-invasive sleep aid that emits a pure red light at a wavelength of 630 nanometers for 14 minutes before gradually fading out. “What makes our red-light technology so effective is that it’s not just any red light,” says Greg Bonnier, Helight’s Vice President. “It’s exposure to red light at a specific intensity for a specific amount of time, at a very specific wavelength.”

What makes our red-light technology so effective is that it’s not just any red light. It’s exposure to red light at a specific intensity for a specific amount of time, at a very specific wavelength

The aim of Helight Sleep is to help users relax, fall asleep faster, and enjoy a deeper, more restful sleep throughout the night. Portable and easy to use, the Helight Sleep requires no effort on the part of the user. “You simply turn it on,” says Bonnier.

Helight Sleep can help with faster sleep onset, various sleep disorders, and sleep inertia. It can also help reduce exposure to blue light from screens at night and alleviate jetlag when travelling. “We’ve sold units to various MLS, NHL, NFL, and premier league teams to very positive reviews,” says Bonnier.

The Helight Sleep device is 100 per cent safe and may be used with children and infants. “Kids love it because it creates a ritual and is a fun thing to do before going to bed, so there’s a psychological aspect to it too,” says Bonnier. “In fact, we often hear from our customers that they need another one because their kid stole it, so we’ve just created a new unit for children called Helight Kidzzz.”

If other sleep solutions haven’t worked for you, you might want to give Helight Sleep a try. “You have 30 days to return it for a full refund if you’re not satisfied, so there’s nothing to lose,” says Bonnier.

Helight Sleep and Helight Kidzzz units may be ordered through the company’s website at helight.ca


1 Sustained effects of prior red light on pupil diameter and vigilance during subsequent darkness https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30051840/
2 Effects of red light on sleep inertia https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31118850

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