Adesh Vora
President & CEO, SRx Health Solutions
SRx Health Solutions wants everyone to have equal access to modern health care. That’s why they’re helping lead the way with long-overdue technological advancements.
Canadians benefit from a free, robust health-care system, unlike most of the world. But like other sectors, there’s an urgency to keep up with ever-changing industry trends and progress. Unfortunately, the country’s health-care system has been slow in adapting to technological upgrades that could dramatically improve patient care.
There’s a need for innovation throughout — from switching to electronic health records to increasing patient-facing metrics. Leveraging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), diagnostics, wearable tech, and virtual care could lead to more efficient, clinically supported care methods.
Currently, the information patients receive in a clinic visit are only snapshots of their overall health. With better technology available to both patients and their health teams, the data someone collects in their day-to-day could make it faster and easier to diagnose illnesses.
Putting patients first
SRx Health Solutions is backing this change. Since 2013, their ever-expanding network of pharmacies, clinics, medical professionals, and innovative services have been working to revitalize Canada’s health-care system. Prioritizing a patient-centred approach, they provide a comprehensive, integrated care model that expands beyond pharmacies and clinics, to include nursing services, diagnostics testing, clinical trials, industry services, virtual care and more.
Upgrading technology will help fill gaps in the health-care system and will help create an environment in which our system can focus on prevention and healthy aging to keep more Canadians out of hospitals if avoidable. Without better use of technology, our system will remain overloaded — that’s why it’s so important for people to take ownership of their personal health and advocate for better tools to do so.
SRx is all about delivering services and leveraging technology to help Canadians optimize treatment out comes and improve overall wellness. “Wherever appropriate, stages of the patient journey are automated using AI as the bedrock of streamlining processes,” says Adesh Vora, President, and CEO of SRx Health Solutions. “This allows health-care teams to prioritize the well-being of their patients. The streamlined solution has proven to support the public,
physicians, and pharmaceutical companies alike.”

The future of care is here
Embracing technology has given SRx teams a major competitive advantage. Thanks to their proprietary AI Automated Customization Commercialization Efficiency and Scheduling Solution (ACCESS) program and integrated care model, health-care professionals are able to spend less
time on administrative duties and can spend more time on what’s most important – providing optimal patient care.
Plus, their upcoming mySRx app serves as a one-stop hub for on demand care. “SRx has made a name for itself as a pioneer in leveraging technology to enhance better outcomes,” Vora adds. “Whatever your health-care needs, we’re able to provide a tailored, comprehensive
system of help.”