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The Skin We're In (2021)

Sasha Exeter Sharing Her Secrets to Summer Skincare

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Photo courtesy of David Pike

Mediaplanet spoke with entrepreneur and content creator Sasha Exeter, to get her top tips for summer skin care and the importance of changing your routine for the summer.

What are your top tips for summer skin care?

I wear sunscreen daily with a minimum SPF 30 regardless of whether it is sunny or not. Staying hydrated is also the key to good skin in any season, but most importantly during the summertime since we’re sweating a lot more. Good skin starts from within, so I always make sure I am carrying my gallon water bottle when I leave the house. During the summer months, I make sure I’m exfoliating regularly as sweat clogs our pores (esp. when we’re wearing PPE). Making sure my pores are unclogged is essential to keeping my skin happy. Finally, in the summer choosing lighter-weight moisturizers over the thick ones we typically use during the winter months helps tremendously. I like to lean into ‘gel-based’ moisturizers during the summer months because they are super light but keep my skin looking dewy and hydrated.

What is the biggest obstacle when it comes to you skin?

It’s the congestion for me. Having to wear PPE, I am noticing an increasing amount of sebum build up on my chin area and pimples and blemishes on my cheeks. Hyper-pigmentation is also a big concern of mine so I try really hard not to pop pimples on my face because I scar really easily. 

Why is it important to change skin routine for summer?

 I not only change my skincare routine with each season, sometimes my skincare routine changes week-to-week or day-to-day. I take the following into account when determining what I’m going to put on my face for the day: weather, stress-levels, hydration, current diet and even how much I’ve slept the night before. My skins needs in the summer months are vastly different than winter. I find my skin is at its best when I customize skincare for the season that I’m in. 

As an extremely busy entrepreneur and mother, how do you manage to take time for yourself? Do you find it difficult to find time for self-care?

Since becoming a mother three years ago, I’ve found it difficult to take time for myself but I’ve also learned how important it is to make time for myself. Time’s quite limited as a busy entrepreneur and single mother, as you can imagine. What’s worked for me has been to schedule this time into my calendar just like I would with any work meeting. Workouts, massage treatments, bubble baths, meditation — it all has to be scheduled into my weekly calendar because, just like a meeting, I wouldn’t cancel it. 

Sundays have become my “me day” to do nothing but recharge so I can take on another week without having the Sunday Scaries. I call it #SelfCareSundays and it’s my day to do face masks, bubble baths, read, get a massage, and anything else my body and soul craves that day.

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