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Sexual & Reproductive Health

Period Education is for Everyone

At The Period Purseā„¢, we strive to create menstrual equity by ensuring sustainable access to period products for everyone and to end the stigma associated with periods through advocacy and education. We are now one step closer to achieving this goal! We have been hard at work and our education program is growing. We now offer a Moon Time Learning module designed specifically by and for First Nations, MĆ©tis, and Inuit folks as well as our five existing modules in French!

Period education is an integral part of the fight against the stigma associated with periods, promoting understanding, allowing menstruators to live a dignified life, and achieve menstrual equity. We always encourage people of all genders and backgrounds to take part in our education sessions in order to open up the conversation about periods to everyone – not just menstruators. The best and most simple way to achieve menstrual equity is by talking openly about periods. With these new modules (virtual and in person) we are able to reach even more Canadians through an amazing grant with Food Bank Canada.

Offering our education materials in both official languages, as well as our new Moon Time Learning module is not only about expanding our reach, but itā€™s also a matter of inclusivity, accessibility, and recognizing Canadaā€™s cultural and linguistic diversity. There are many barriers that menstruators face when it comes to accessing essential menstrual products and Indigenous communities often face additional barriers. Periods don’t discriminate, so why should access to menstrual products and education be restricted by culture or language?

By expanding our education sessions, we can start to have these important conversations in more communities that may not have previously had this type of information available and accessible to them and in turn educate even more Canadians. All menstruators deserve to feel seen, heard, and supported in their menstrual health journey. Making our modules accessible and inclusive for French-speaking Canadians as well as Indigenous folks will have a big impact on the future of menstrual equity in Canada.

Together, we can break down barriers, challenge the stigma associated with periods, and create a world where access to menstrual products is a basic right for everyone. First step: Letā€™s keep talking! Come visit us and join the conversation on social media as we work toward achieving menstrual equity and eliminating period poverty.

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